

Saturday, June 9, 2012

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

When I think of LASER, a picture of Dr. Evil from Austin Powers comes to mind making his usual hand gesture and demanding the world leaders a ransom of a zillion dollars. But that is beyond the concept of laser treatment when it comes to tattoo removal. Yes, permanent tattoo removal is now possible thanks to laser treatment. Gone are the days when you have to wait for creams to lighten and erase your unwanted ex’s name. Say goodbye to permanent scarring too by salabrasion and surgical removal. The treatment might be quite expensive and is determined by the complexity of design, age and size of the tattoo. Many who have had treatment swear that it was really worth it.

So how does a destructive “LASER” do it? Well as mentioned it is unlike a destructive, atom-splitting laser at all. A low impulse laser is used to target the tattoo ink pigments. The impulse or the beat of the laser excites the ink pigments and cause them to break up into tiny fragments. After they break up, they can easily be absorbed by our circulatory system. This treatment may be repeated or done in sessions if the tattoo is a little old or too complicated to erase in just one session. The treatment is bloodless, painless with no incisions at all. That is why many prefer this method among others.

You might have heard that if you look at a laser directly you might get your eyes damaged. This is somewhat true. When you go to your dentist for a filling or a teeth whitening they use blue laser to cure or whiten. A blindfold or protective goggles are used to protect your eyes. Same is true for tattoo removal. A small handheld device is used against the skin to apply the laser pulses. You might feel and hear the pulses like a snapping rubber band. Localized anesthetic is applied to the area so you can’t feel a thing at all. A simple treatment for a small tattoo on your upper arm, the common site for I Love Mom tattoo designs, could take just a few minutes to half an hour. If the tattoo requires further sessions there is a 4 to 8 week period time frame after the next treatment.

The dermatologist will be prescribing antibiotic ointments for the area and may bandage it if necessary. Sun block must be worn all the time to prevent damage to the area. Also limitation of movement for the area may be advised to promote proper healing of the skin.

Depending on the number of sessions, scarring may result. Scar removal creams are available to prevent these.

The risk of infection is extremely low also for laser tattoo removal since there are no incisions. Some report a little darkening to sometime whitening of the affected area after the skins healing process and this is quite normal.

Consider researching on the credibility of the skin clinic that you would like to go to have the treatment. It is better to shop for clinics first for the dermatologist and staff’s experience on laser treatment before you choose. Also is budget is into consideration you might also check on the pricing of the treatment before you proceed.

So a word of caution again, before you go out and shop for a design for your tattoo, think of it a dozen times. It is just a sudden idea or a fad. You might regret it if you don’t want to see the tattoo anymore and it would add to your worries to know that it is quite expensive removing a tattoo that even getting one in the first place.